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Birthday Ball for William and Katherina: event proposal

26th of May, 2012

An evening of dancing and board-games, with light refreshments
provided, and a potluck supper.

St Phillips Presbyterian Church, aka North Shore Cook Islands Christian Church
136 Birkdale Road.

This is the church next door the community house where we have dance
practice. It has ample parking, basic kitchen and bathrooms, and a
plain hall with stacked chairs (not pews). It's a couple of hundred
metres from the house of quartermaster and steward, so transporting
gear is trivial (and effectively free).

However, the owners negotiating a deal with a group who want it 24/7 -
they asked me to call back in mid-January to check if it's still
available. I'd like council to approve this bid pending confirmation
of the site, so that I can advertise it before CF if the site is
available. If it isn't, I'll approach council with a revised bid and a
new site after CF.

If available, it will be $20/hr, or $100 for 6-11pm.
That's $20 if we pay as a "donation"; $20+GST if we want a receipt. If
the reeve approves, I propose that the steward make the requisite
donation, then bill council for site. If not, the total cost will need
to include GST (amend numbers below accordingly).

26th of May, 2012
Set up from 6pm (set-up crew can get dinner from local take-aways)
Site opens 7pm
Dancing and games from 7:30-10:30pm
Leave site by 11pm

Break even at 10 people. Low, because we might get the bulk of Ildhafn
city, or we might get only those who are particularly interested in
dancing. I will advertise it to the Ruritanian Society as well
(folk-dancing umbrella-group); but that might get us a bunch of
people, or none.

Site: $100, or $10/head
Misc (drinks, nibbles, lamp oil): $2/head
Kingdom Levy: $1/head

=> charge $13 / $15 for adult members/non-members
$7 for kids 6-16; 5 and under free

Note: because the event is small, I've made no provision for steward,
set-up crew, or anyone else to get in free: all will pay full price,
and get their own dinners.

We'll provide very basic refreshments, but encourage people to bring a
small plate of finger-food to share for supper (and to eat dinner
before they come). The focus of the evening will be dancing, but there
will be several tables set up with chess, backgammon, and other games
of strategy or chance, for the amusement of those who prefer not to

There will be a number of competitions running through the evening, of
a light-hearted nature - details to be announced later.

Steward: Ludwig von Regensburg (Patrick Bowman)
Deputy stewards: Katherina Weyssin and William de Cameron (Katherine
Davies and David Robb)

Other TBC: set-up, maestro da ballo, herald - will likely be covered
by the three mentioned above.