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Council Minutes

(March 30th, 2010 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

Ildhafn Council meeting: 29th March 2010
Minutes taken by Shannon Wanty.

Present: Katherine Davies (Seneschal), Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), Phil Mason (Constable),
Matt Mole (Baron), David Robb (Chronicler), Patrick Bowman
Apologies: Adrian Baxter (Marshall)
Absent: Everyone else.

Officer reports received over the Council List, January 2010:

(February 28th, 2010 by Ildhafn Seneschal)

Ildhafn Council meeting: 28th February 2010
Minutes taken by Shannon Wanty.

Present: Shannon Wanty (A&S Officer), Phil Whitby (Constable), Matt Mole (Baron), David Robb
(Chronicler), Ange Wells (Chatelaine), Alex Rossiter (Herald)
Apologies: Adrian Baxter (Marshall), Katherine Davies (Seneschal)
Absent: Everyone else.

Officer reports received over the Council List, January 2010:

A&S, Chatelaine, Seneschal, Quartermaster, Marshall, Rapier Marshall

(January 30th, 2010 by William de Cameron)

Minutes - January 10

Minutes - December 09

Minutes - November 09

Minutes - October 09

Minutes - September 09


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