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Updated Amoroso

Submitted by Katherina Weyssin on June 16, 2011 - 10:31am

Anna ran the first hour of dancing, as usual, for herself, Caterine, William and Sergei.

[She can fill in this section - I had to miss it]

In the second hour, Anna and William rehearsed Cesarina, before we danced Pungente Dardo, Ginevra and Spagnoletta Nuova.

Finally, we relaxed with Amoroso, but with an extra twist: having re-read the two sources I've altered the ending slightly. The dance is now:

1. The couple dance 8 pive together

2. The man leaves with 2 sempii, 1 piva, and 3 sempii. The woman follows with the same steps.

3. The man leaves with 3 pive and a sempio. The woman follows with the same.

4. The man leaves with the first sequence (ss p sss), turns, makes a riverenza to which the woman replies, and returns with the second sequence (ppp s).

5. The woman dances as the man did in 4. After the riverenza, the man waits through the first two pive, then dances towards the woman in her third piva (his first). Then in her sempio he makes a mezavolta, putting her in front (i.e. on the other side, as I interpret it).

This slight addition to the final figure puts the woman ready to lead in the repeat (though neither source explicitly mentions repeating the dance). It's really pretty to dance - cute, flirty and charming.



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