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Katherine of Glastonbury's blog

Monday Music 24.11.14

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on November 24, 2014 - 9:47pm

In attendance: Cecelia, Emrys, Katherine Of Glastonbury.


Belle Qui


Washerwoman's Bransle

(Karen's version, starting on A, transposed up a note from the version we'd been playing in the Buckton recorder book so it was easier for the recorders)

Cecelia top line

Katherine middle line

Emrys lower line


Voltati in Ca Rosina


Ballo Del Fiore (at different speeds, trying to get faster)


Ly Bens Distonys

Cecelia and Emrys middle line (main tune)

Monday Music

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on October 20, 2014 - 10:20pm

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury 

We played:

Voltati in Ca Rosina 

Discussed learning Ly bens distonys as could be not too difficult to get to a danceable speed

The official Bransle

-Katherine top line (and chords)

-Emrys second

-Kelsie third (alto recorder)

Started playing this for the first time tonight. We'll practice trying to get speed a bit faster  

Belle Qui

Black Almain 

Blog classifications:

Monday Music 13/10/14

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on October 13, 2014 - 10:42pm


In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury


We played:


Voltati in Ca Rosina 

To warm up


Belle Qui

-Cecelia to practice second line, Katherine playing third line, Emrys playing top line



-in new key (c instead of having b flats - f major?)- Karen's arrangement 


Earl of Essex

-Cecelia third line

-Emrys second line

Monday Music 15/09/14

Submitted by Katherine of Gl... on September 15, 2014 - 11:05pm

In attendance: Emrys, Cecelia, Katherine of Glastonbury


We played:


Belle Qui

Emrys top line 

Cecelia and Katherine 3rd line (Katherine also adding chords)

We can play this at a danceable speed. 


Washerwomen's Bransle

Matt bass drone

Cecelia and Katherine top line (Katherine also adding chords)

We'll need to speed this up a little so it could be danced to.


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