Ex Nihilo – Bamboo Sewing Needle – Lihua Li
CategoryEx nihilo (from nothing) EntrantLihua Li EntryBamboo Sewing Needle circa. Son Dynasty (960-1279) Sewing needles have been used for centuries – archeologists have determined that humans have been crafting garments for roughly 40 000 years; with early sewing needles being discovered and dated to 20 000 years ago (https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/fashion-history-sewing-needles/) In …
Terra incognita – Candle Clock – Lihua Li
CategoryTerra incognita (unknown ground). EntrantLihua Li Entry Candle Clock based on a description of a 520AD poem by Chinese scholar You Jiangu. Although the origins of the “Candle Clock” are unknown, the earliest mention of such clocks was in a Chinese poem by You Jiangu (520AD). While I was unable to …
Verba volant, sed scripta manent – Chinese Ink on Calico – Lihua Li
CategoryVerba volant, sed scripta manent (spoken words fly away, written words remain). EntrantLihua Li EntryChinese Ink on Calico A Chinese ink painting inspired by Chinese art from the Song Dynasty (1160-1225) which depicts both figures, landscape and written word (usually in the form of songs or poems). Media used: Calico …
Acta non verba – Handspun, Handwoven Cloth – Melissa Wijffels
CategoryActa non verba (deeds not words)Finish a project you’ve been telling yourself you’d get around to EntrantMelissa Wijffels EntryHandspun, Handwoven Cloth This project has been in paused several times, and I kept telling myself I would finish it, and for this challenge, I finally have! Early medieval textiles in the …
Ex nihilo Entry – Burnished Blackware Pottery – Melissa Wijffels
CategoryEx nihilo (from nothing)Make an item from the very beginning, starting with raw materials EntrantMelissa Wijffels EntryBurnished blackware pottery Having learned that most pottery in medieval Europe and beyond was unglazed earthenware, and that it was not only possible, but common early period for earthenware to be fired in a …
Alea iacta est Entry – Herkle – Master Edward Braythwayte
CategoryAlea iacta est (the die is cast)Make something relating to period games, chance, or fate EntrantMaster Edward Braythwayte EntryHerkle I have take a modern shape and colour matching game and created an heraldic version of it. It can be played with 2 or more players but it is best not …
Ildhafn Saga Sumor Mabon 2024
Contents From The B&B From The Seneschal Upcoming Events Autumn Crown Tournament AS LVIII Where a Dragon was Caught Regular Gatherings
Tudor Christmas
Ildhafn would like to invite you to our Tudor Christmas Feast (in Summer)!Date: Friday to Sunday, November 15-17, 2024Time: From 5pm Friday to 3pm SundayVenue: Schlafpher Park Scout Camp41C Ostrich Farm Road, Pukekohe 2676 Come one, come all for this Tudor Christmas-themed weekend and feast. There will be lots of …