Terra Incognita – Glass Beads – Melissa Wijffels

CategoryTerra incognita (unknown ground) EntrantMelissa Wijffels EntryGlass Beads Having read one too many papers about historical beads, modern beads could no longer satisfy me! I got a small torch and some glass rods from a former scadian and started playing with hot glass. After considerable trial and error (and thankfully …

Dulcius ex asperis (sweeter after difficulties) – Gambeson – Rose Taillor

CategoryDulcius ex asperis (sweeter after difficulties) EntrantRose Taillor EntryGamberson I hope I will write this project up properly with more details regarding decisions and construction, but given St Sebastians is tomorrow, this was my main project in the latter part of 2024, and it really fits the brief of Dulcius …

Terra incognita (unknown ground) – Tablet Weaving – Tureya Healey-Diaz

CategoryTerra incognita (unknown ground) EntrantTureya Healey-Diaz EntryTablet Weaving I’ve wanted to try my hand at tablet weaving ever since becoming interested in medieval garb, I’m just here for the bling baby! My determination was only increased by hearing horror stories of just how difficult this ancient craft can be. I wanted to be successful however, so …

Multiple Categories – 15th century vambraces – Ben of Ildhafn

CategoryActa non verba (deeds not words)Terra firma (firm ground)Verbatim (repeat exactly)Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) EntrantBen of Ildhafn Entry15th century vambraces Historical reference and comparisonThe item is a pair of vambraces to match my leg armour and while the material is a little modern (stainless rather …

Terra incognita – The Royal Dragon – Christine Bess Duvant

CategoryTerra incognita (unknown ground) EntrantChristine Bess Duvant EntryThe Royal Dragon History: The Royal Dragon In March 2024 we hosted Crown Tournament. A beautiful couple who were ruling at the time King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra, whom I had lots of time for and loved with all my heart, were coming …

Verba volant, sed scripta manent – A Scroll In Place of a Person – Christine Bess Duvant

CategoryVerba volant, sed scripta manent (spoken words fly away, written words remain) EntrantChristine Bess Duvant EntryA scroll in place of a person History: I have only made a few scrolls and it is something I desperately want to be able to do more often, but as we all know, time …

Panem et circenses – King Baron Sir Master Bain the Magnificent – Christine Dess Duvant

CategoryPanem et circenses (bread and circuses) EntrantChristine Bess Duvant EntryKing Baron Sir Master Bain the Magnificent History:In 2024 the Barony of Ildhafn hosted a most magnificent Crown Tournament that saw the wreaths go onto the heads of the future King Bain and Queen Iglesia.There were many lovely things about the …