the barony of Ildhafn

Minutes - July 06

Ildhafn Council Meeting : 31 July 2006


Present: David, Vanessa, Nick, Wendy, Michaela, Kelsie

Reports emailed: Ross, Karen, Clare

Meeting opened: 7:35pm

Officer reports


Seneschal (David)


David nominally steps down as Seneschal in 6 months time. Please start giving consideration to this position if you are interested.

No other news from the Seneschal at this time.

Fencing (David)


Rapier training held at Coronation, two sucessful authorisations performed.

Practices on Sunday afternoon are continuing to be very popular, although more loaner equipment would help (particularly gorgets and jackets).

Marshal (Ross)


Good "small" Queens champion tournament at Coronation.

9 fighters and no problems Rapier practice was also held over the coronation weekend as well as some kids fighting with both boffer and pages level combat

Still need a deputy in "downtown" Ildhafn to keep me up to speed with whats happening above the Bombays Other than that all is good.- Wendy has volunteered Andrew, and will talk to him about it.

Herald (Clare)


Attended Midwinter Coronation 8-9/7/06

Helped to herald the final court of AEdward and Yolande, Coronation Court and the first court of Draco and Asa. I was privileged to be elevated to the position of Herald by Wakeline de Foxley. I heralded a small court of Draco and Asa on the Sunday after the Queen's Champion Tourney.I have contacted, or attempted to contact almost all the out-standing clients, and am making progress in some areas. I need to contact Romano about his submission.

I am choosing to let the issue of the Ildhafn Augmentation of Arms lie fallow for the present, unless there is a strong desire on the part of the council to pursue it.

I would like to pursue the idea of getting a heraldic title for Cluain, but haven't contacted Cluain about this yet to get their ideas on the issue.

Web (Kelsie)


Will add a link from the Ildhafn site to the Ildhafn gallery, notably the lost property section.

Have received A&S links from Michaela for the website.

Chatelaine (Wendy)


Reminder from last meeting - We need to make some small flyers or handouts of some kind.

ACTION: Wendy to look at this after Coronation.

Have received a few emails from people, including a group of 13yr old boys.

Also received an email from an American visitor living in Parnell, will need to facilitate transport.

Onehunga Kindergarten are still interested in having us attend and do some form of presentation. Unfortunately this would be during work time, which does not fit in well for most of the members of the Barony.

Archery (Nick)


Some very informal archery happened at Coronation.

The proto-college is seeking to organise Sunday morning archery practice. More news as it comes to hand.

Constable (Nick)


Pictures of all the lost property are now up on the web.

Lost property not claimed by the Market at St Catherines will be auctioned off.

A&S (Michaela)


Have emailed a list of links to Kelsie for A&S on the website.

Only a small turnout for the A&S competition at Coronation.

Lists (Karen)


Nothing to report

Proto-college of St Dionysius/Medieval Guild


Medieval Guild is affiliated, we have started this semester well with Reorientation Week. Have a Banner workshop on this coming Wed night at Uni. And they are planning a feast for the 26th of August. Zara is already looking through cookbooks at possible recipes.




- Medieval shop may still owe us $135 from bookings they took

- David to check with Gary, money has reportedly been deposited directly into the group account.

- Hall deposit cheque received via Wendy.

- David to approach Karen about paying $15 to cover their food costs.

- David to organise cheque for Wendy for the laundromat costs.

Some discussion about holding an A&S event in September. Michaela to investigate options. May happen in combination with fighters practice on a Sunday to facilitate Cluain attendance.

St Catherines 2006:

- Bid submitted from David and accepted.

- Event dates are November 30th (Thursday)- December 3rd (Sunday)

- Booking forms will be available later this week.

- Wendy will be Chatelaining, and nothing else. :)

General Business


Kelsie has found that she's already a signatory for the bank account.

Kelsie has brought along $110 from a helmet sale to Alex.

We (the council) need to be more proactive in actioning action points from the minutes and closing off actions once they're done. David to investigate posting an action list separate to the minutes.

Action from last meeting - Kelsie to figure out how much canvas is required to make some loaner fencing gear.

The question was raised regarding the charging for authorisation cards - at present the system doesn't seem to be working in that money isn't always being collected or submitted but cards are still being issued.

- David to talk to SCANZ/NZ Lists about this.

David to collect group stuff from Karen.

David to contact Nina via Phil about items she has offered the group.

David to write up a formal bid form for the group to use.

Vanessa advises that equestrian stuff is slowly happening. A second unofficial training day will most likely happen at the beginning of September.

Discussion held regarding Kingdom A&S competitions, and how to get more people to enter. It was agreed by all present that if the categories were broader, they'd be more likely to correspond with peoples existing projects.

Next meeting


Next meeting will be on Monday 28th of August at 7:30pm.

Meeting closed at 8:37pm