Music session - 15th May 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Elena y Delyn, lever harp, alto rebec, plucked psaltery
Yvonne Gwynn, treble viol da gamba
Tunes played:
For a list of Ildhafn's upcoming regular practices and meetings, please see our Regular Activities page.
Music session - 15th May 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Elena y Delyn, lever harp, alto rebec, plucked psaltery
Yvonne Gwynn, treble viol da gamba
Tunes played:
Music session - 8th May 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Elena Harper, bray harp, rebec
Katherina Weyssin, tenor recorder
Emrys Tudor, violin
Yvonne Gwynn, viol
Music session - 1st May 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, harp, bray harp
Emrys Tudor, violin
Yvonne Gwynn, tenor and soprano recorder
Music session - 24th April 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp and bray harp
Katherina Weyssin, guitar, recorders
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol and psaltry
Music session - 3rd April 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp and bray harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, harp, bray harp, rebec
Emrys Tudor, violin
Music session - 27th March 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp and bray harp
Katherina Weyssin, guitar (a.k.a. faux lute)
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol and psaltry
Music session - 20th March 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, harp/bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol
Music session - 13th March 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Katherina Weyssin, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol
Music session - 6th March 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and harp
Tunes played:
Music session - 27th February 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Katherina Weyssin, tenor and bass recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and harp
Yvonne Gywnn, viol and recorder
Music session - 20th February 2017
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and harp
Tunes played:
15th December 2016 - Music and Dance combined evening
15th December was the final session of the dance classes that Mistress Katherina teaches on Thursdays. She and I had discussed the concept of live musicians coming along to practice playing for real live dancers, so we took the opportunity to try it out.
12th December 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Emrys Tudor, violin and viola
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and harp
Yvonne Gywnn, various recorders and experimental harp ;)
5th December 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Emrys Tudor, violin and viola
Katherina Weyssin, tenor and bass recorder
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Yvonne Gywnn, various recorders
28th November 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Katherina Weyssin, tenor and bass recorder
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Christine Bess Duvaunt, flute
Mikhaila von Dhaun, harp (crash course round two)
Elena Harper, rebec
Notes - 21st November 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
William de Wyke, various recorders
Emrys Tudor, violin and viola
Yvonne Gywn, tenor and soprano recorder
Katherina Weyssin, tenor and bass recorder
Elena Harper, rebec and bray harp
Last week there was no session due to everyone needing time to recover after St Catherine's and the Bal d'Argent. We now have a group comprising primarily members of the Guild of the Silver Rondel - well done to Sympkyn, Emrys, Katherine of Glastonbury, William de Cameron, Katherina Weyssin, and Yvonne Gwyn (and myself too, just quietly) for passing their silver semibreve test over that weekend! Very proud of our wee band - great work guys!
Last week there was no official session due to it being Labour Weekend and most of us being at camp Braythwayte til late Monday... a fair whack of music was played there unofficially however :)
Session Notes - 31st October 2016
Session Notes - 17th October 2016
Sympkyn of the Moor, hammered dulcimer
William de Cameron, tenor recorder
Katherine of Glastonbury, harp
Elena Harper, bray harp
Tunes played:
Monday Night Music Session on 10th October 2016:
For a while now I have been meaning to publish what we're up to, partly for the purposes of motivating the group's progress, and also for the information of those regular members who might miss a session, as well as anyone who may want to join us in the future (either regularly or just joining in with us at events).