We have various mailing lists where you will find announcements, discussions of events and concerns, and anything else people on the list feel they need to talk to each other about.
- the Ildhafn email list is the Auckland local group list, although also includes some Baronial-wide discussions
- the Canton of Cluain group mailing list (Hamilton)
- the Althing list covers New Zealand-wide concerns
- the Lochac-wide (that’s the Australia/New Zealand kingdom) list is known as the Shambles
- the Lochac-Announce list carries only Lochac-wide event announcements and important notices
- Southron Gaard (Christchurch)
- Darton (Wellington)
- City of Ildhafn council discussion (Auckland) (officers must subscribe, stewards are encouraged to do so, other interested members of the Barony may)
- Canton of Cluain council discussion (Hamilton)
You can also find us on social media