Ex Nihilo – Bamboo Sewing Needle – Lihua Li

CategoryEx nihilo (from nothing) EntrantLihua Li EntryBamboo Sewing Needle circa. Son Dynasty (960-1279) Sewing needles have been used for centuries – archeologists have determined that humans have been crafting garments for roughly 40 000 years; with early sewing needles being discovered and dated to 20 000 years ago (https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/fashion-history-sewing-needles/) In …

Verba volant, sed scripta manent – Chinese Ink on Calico – Lihua Li

CategoryVerba volant, sed scripta manent (spoken words fly away, written words remain). EntrantLihua Li EntryChinese Ink on Calico A Chinese ink painting inspired by Chinese art from the Song Dynasty (1160-1225) which depicts both figures, landscape and written word (usually in the form of songs or poems).  Media used: Calico …

Acta non verba – Handspun, Handwoven Cloth – Melissa Wijffels

CategoryActa non verba (deeds not words)Finish a project you’ve been telling yourself you’d get around to EntrantMelissa Wijffels EntryHandspun, Handwoven Cloth This project has been in paused several times, and I kept telling myself I would finish it, and for this challenge, I finally have! Early medieval textiles in the …