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CF 2014 report - finances etc

Report on the Ildhafn campsite at Canterbury Faire in 2014: meals, campsite gear, organisation, etc.


Income - $766.50

  • $235 - campsite contributions
  • $531.50 - meals


Cook/purchaser Budget (for food) Total spent Spent on food Spent on campsite Comments  
Katherina/William $252 $243.96 $214.98 $28.98 (lamp oil and chiller space) additions (e.g. chiller space) discussed at January council meeting  
Edward $248 $291.80 $285.8 $6 (box for chiller) went over budget with stewards' consent; covered by Katherina's excess  
Vettoria $31.50 $22.80 all - William acquired sausages on site  

$531.50 (food)

+ <$235 (camp)

$558.56 $523.58 (food) $34.98 (camp)    


We spent $523.58 of our budget of $531.50 on food, giving a profit of $7.32.

We gathered $235 in camp contributions. Of this we have spent $34.98 on lamp-oil, a box for the chiller, and renting chiller-space from Green Dragon (thanks!). Thus we have $200.02 remaining which we may contribute to Rudiger and Alyenora's expenses in getting the sunshades, etc, to CF. 

Reciepts and reimbursements

Reimbursements for food an sundries are complete (thanks, Nora!). Receipts have been forwarded to the reeve. Katherine Davies (Katherina Weyssin) paid $15 in cash to Grim of Thonrby (Rob McIntyre) for chiller hire, so doesn't have a formal receipt for that. However, she's forwarded to the council list the email from Rob confirming that transaction. 

Partail reimbursement for trailer

Rudiger has provided his receipt for taking 2 adults, 1 car, 1 trailer on the InterIslander ferry, for a total of $767.00

William has provided, for comparison, her receipt for taking 2 adults, 1 car, no trailer, on the same ferry, similar sailings and booking times, for $424.

The difference will be trailer cost (InterIslander does not itemise this): $343.

I propose we give Rudiger and Aleynora a partial reimbursement of either $200 (nice round number) or $207.34 (the sum of all remaining CF moneys). Details TBC at the February council meeting.

Meal plan - comments

The meal plan worked well.

People chose a wide range of meals. There were anything from 4 to 14 people eating at a given meal. 

The pre-booked chippie-run for the first Saturday dinner worked well, as did calling ahead with our order. Katherine spent about $100 on it. It's essential with this large order to take notes of what each thing costs (thanks for your help with that, Katherine!). 

I heartily recommend renting some chiller space from Green Dragon or Heorot again another year, if they're willing. While we can't necessarily get an exact number in advance, $15 for a box of chiller-space for a week seemed extremely reasonable.
The numbers worked well - I'd use this budget again. The miscellaneous expenses - washing up liquid, gas, etc - are somewhat scaleable, so another year I'd be tempted to make it 50c per meal (as we did for breakfasts, which were added late), instead of a blanket $2.
There was some food wastage, primarily due to people booking for lunch on the first Sunday but not eating it. Thus, I think the quantities were about right.
I recommend against attempting lunch on the final Sunday, either as a booked and planned meal, or even as a way to use up leftovers, as it delays pack-up. The baronial chests should be packed and returned to the storage unit as soon as possible after breakfast, as whoever is transporting them can't even begin packing their car until this is done.
Northside are quite keen to take part in our meal plan next year, if we have one. Coordinate with Iarnulfr. Miriam Galbraith was kind enough to cook Sunday breakfast on the last day; it may be worth seeing if she would also like to cook next year.



I'll update the inventory online from these notes.

Things added to the chests this year (non-consumables)

  • 9 spoons 
  • bug spray 
  • sellotape
  • tarpaulin - 12' x 16'
  • 6 platters (my notes say 8, but my memory says 6)
  • safety pins
  • washing line
  • safety pins
  • ~20 plastic pegs
  • wooden chopping board
  • teapot


There are 6 unused cylinders and 2 partly used in the chests. Bought 8 this year, plus there were 5 left from last year, so we went through about 7. I would buy another 4-8 for next year, depending on how many meals are to be cooked, and whether anyone is bringing a larger gas-bottle. (Ed primarily used his gas-bottle and burner for cooking breakfasts). 


We used about 2L of lamp-oil through the week, burning the lamps from sunset to about midnight each night.

Consumables we don't need to get next year (there is plenty in the chests)

  • detergent
  • tea
  • matches
  • salt
  • pepper
  • mustard

Consumables we should get more of next year:

  • laundry liquid
  • lamp oil
  • guy rope flags

Things people have suggested that we add to our kit (discuss closer to next CF)

  • kettle or billy
  • 3rd burner
  • pegs
  • washing up basins
  • spatula, non-stick
  • coffee plunger
  • canvas bags for loaner feast-gear
  • butter dish
  • spare bobby pins
  • mugs
  • roll for implements
  • knife sheath
  • snuffer
  • duct tape

Campsite Layout

We went with something fairly close to layout 2 on the pdf below. 

As you all know, the campsite was very cramped this year. The marquee was set up before we arrived, and without the stewards knowing exactly where it would go - simple misunderstanding. I expect that we will have more space next year: stewards, seneschal and Baron and Baroness Ildhafn all agreed that we need more space. 
Having the sunshades, lamps, sundial and many tables and chairs was lovely. Thanks to all who brought them - chiefly Rudiger and Alyenora, Ed Braythewayte, Brian de Caffa, and William and Katherina. 


I'd recommend going with the chores again. No-one complained about doing them; the dishes were always done; and many people commented on our beautiful and tidy campsite. Posting the chores roster inside the lids of the chests seemed to work well.

Gear in storage unit

The new storage unit is excellent, and spacious. It's also much further from our camp: we'll need cars to transport stuff. Labelling is essential, as always. 

Those with personal gear in the storage unit need to get it out and replace it themselves, or arrange for someone else to do it for them.