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Entertainments - proposal

We have a range of entertainments, theatricals, performances and other diversions planned for the weekend. Others will be added as the event approaches.

We expect we'll end up with a similar range and schedule as for the Bloth in 2013; with perhaps a some more ambitious pieces as we'll have a larger event and longer preparation-time.

Items already in preparation:

Puppet Play, Cicilia Lyon and her troupe of puppeteers

A hilarious account of knights, ladies, kings, beasts, magic and more; returning by popular acclaim. About 20 minutes, suitable for all ages.

Song, Ludwig von Regensburg, minnesinger

Ludwig specialises in the solo repertoire of 13th and 14th century Germany.

Elizabeth Braythewayte, musician

Elizabeth is a well-known musician in our barony, playing both medieval and renaissance music on a range of instruments, from flute to psaltery. We've asked her to provide some gentle background music in the Royal Pavilion during the lulls in Crown Tournament itself; and also to perform an instrumental piece at the Victory Feast.

Ildhafn Dancers - TBC

Dancing is a popular pastime in Ildhafn, and we pride ourselves on having probably the best performance-troupe in the kingdom, at least in our favourite late-16th century Italian repertoire.

We're hoping to put together one of Negri's fire-dances for this event. Whether, when and how largely depends on how heavily committed the dancers are to their other stewarding duties.

Ildhafn Singers - TBC

Singing has recently taken off in Ildhafn, and we now have a competent small choir, fast improving in both skill and repertoire. Again, many of the members are also part of the stewarding team, so will need to schedule performances around other duties.

Trumpeter, Gregory Tortouse - TBC

We have tentatively employed the services of Don Gregory Tortouse de Slowely, of Innilgard, as trumpeter for both Tournament and Feast. He performed this role admirably at our Canterbury Faire feast in 2012. For this event, we will of course have to wait for him to confirm his travel plans.

Quiz, with Benedict of Askerig as Infallible Arbiter of Answers

As at the Bloth in 2013, we hope to amuse the populace on Friday night with a quiz. Test your knowledge of the Kingdom, the Society and the very middle ages . . . but be aware that this quiz is anything but fair.


While there will be entertainment scattered through the feast, we like to treat the feast itself as entertainment, making the service and presentation themselves part of the show.