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Ildhafn library auction

Submitted by William de Cameron on April 5, 2014 - 12:56pm

The Ildhafn council has agreed that the time has come to dispose of our Baronial library.  This is being done by way of an auction, which will conclude at the Collegium on April 12th.

  • Please email David ( to place a bid, or come along to the Collegium.
    • Email bidding will close on Friday evening (April 11th) after which you will still have a chance to bid on the items at the event.
    • The table below will be updated every couple of days with the current winning bid (amount + who)
    • (For those who have website access, please do not edit this page yourselves to place a bid - someone may have already emailed in a bid equal to or higher than yours)
  • Bids will be accepted in units of 50c.
  • You may bid $0 for an item.
  • Bidding at the Collegium will be by writing a higher bid (and your name) on the bit of paper accompanying each item. The auction will close some time during the afternoon of the Collegium (time to be announced at the event).
  • Some items are grouped together in the table below in the Author and Bid columns; you are bidding on the set.
  • Items must be collected at the end of the Collegium (by you or someone you've asked to pick up the items for you).
  • Payment will be by internet banking by April 19th

The bookcases from the library are also part of the auction; the bookcases will need to be collected from Al & Mel's house if you win the auction for them. Photos can be found here. The bookshelves aren't high quality, they were originally from the Warehouse.


Some of the books are a bit out of date, or better sources have become available since we put them in the library. If you have questions about the books, please email David (





N Bradfield Historical Costumes of England 1066-1968 (photocopy)    
Joan Nunn Fashion in Costume 1200-1980 (photocopy)    
Peter Halliday Creative Calligraphy  $1 Sinech
NZ Drama School Theatrical Costume Dyeing and Construction  $0 Lizzi 
Janet Winter/Carolyn Savoy Elizabethan Costuming 1550-1580  $0 Lizzi 
New Cambridge Modern History      I. The Renaissance 1493-1520 $0.5 Lizzi
II. The Reformation 1520-59
IV. The Decline of Spain and the Thirty Years War 1609-48/59
V. The Ascendancy of France 1648-1688
VI. The rise of Great Britain and Russia 1688-1725
IX. War & Peace in an age of upheaval 1793-1830
Oxford History of England Roman Britain and the English settlements $1.50 Lizzi
Anglo Saxon England
The Thirteenth Century 1216-1307
The Earlier Tudors 1485-1588
The Seventeenth Century
The Later Stuarts 1660-1714
Konrad Miller Itineraria Romana (in German)    
Union Academique Internationale Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum vol 1      
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum vol 2
Lucy T Smith York Mystery Plays  $5  Katherina Weyssin
HJC Grierson  Donne's Poetical Works vol I      
Donne's Poetical Works vol II
EM Nugent Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance    
Harvard Classics Letters and Treatises of Cicero and Pliny  $1 Katherina Weyssin
Parker Society Tyndale's Answer to More & co    
R C Bald John Donne, A Life    
G R Elton England 1200-1640; Studies in the Uses of Historical Evidence  $0 Lizzi 
Oxford The Book of Common Prayer $0  Katherina Weyssin
Francisque Michel Charlemagne  $0 Katherina Weyssin
George Woolard Joan of Arc (Graded Reading book)  $0 Sinech 
David Maule Shakespeare's Theatre (Graded Reading book)  $0.5 Lizzi 
Bon Gaultier Book of Ballads  $0 Lizzi 
Iris Brooke A History of English Costume    
Iris Brooke English Costume of the Early Middle Ages (10th-13th centuries)  $0  Lizzi
Austin Lane Poole Medieval England (Volume II)    
Charles Ross The Wars of the Roses    
Father Stedman My Sunday Missal    
Time Life Books Great Ages of Man - Age of Exploration    
Wilson & Horton Ltd Herbs in New Zealand  $0 Lizzi 
EETS Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain  $0 Katherina Weyssin
Iris Brooke English Costume in the Age of Elizabeth (The Sixteenth Century)  $0 Lizzi 
Ildhafn Library borrowing notebook (near new) $0.5 Lizzi
Iris Brooke English Costume of the Seventeenth Century    
Chrissie Wildwood Create your own perfumes using essential oils    
Clare Robertson Great Artists - Veronese  $0 Katherina Weyssin
Eric Maclagan The Bayeux Tapestry $1 Sinech
Rosemary Sassoon The Practical Guide to Lettering and Applied Calligraphy  $0.5 Lizzi 
Everyman Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century  $0 Katherina Weyssin
Derek Wilson A Tudor Tapestry; Men, Women & Society in Reformation England  $0  Katherina Weyssin
M Victor Cousin  La Societe Francaise; Au XVII Siecle (in French) - Vol I     
La Societe Francaise; Au XVII Siecle (in French) - Vol II  
SCA Known World Handbook (old)    
Norman Council When honour's at the stake; ideas of honour in Shakespeare's plays  $0 Lizzi 
Peter Munz Life in the age of Charlemagne  $0.5 Lizzi
Routledge English Texts Elizabethan Verse Romances $0 Katherina Weyssin
Gottfriend von Strassburg Tristan  $0.5 Lizzi
Arthur Bryant The Age of Chivalry    
F C Copleston A History of Medieval Philosophy $0  Katherina Weyssin
Colin Platt Medieval England - A Social History and Archeology from the Conquest to 1600  $0 Lizzi 
Candace Bahouth Medieval (inspired) Needlepoint  $0 Lizzi 
Molly Lyons Bar-David Jewish; cooking for pleasure (modern)  $0 Lizzi 
Winston S Churchill A History of the English-speaking peoples; Vol I - The Birth of Britain    
Garrett Mattingly The Defeat of the Spanish Armada  $0 Lizzi 
Molly Harrison/O M Royston How they lived; 1485-1700  $0 Lizzi 
David Ogg Europe in the seventeenth century    
D M Gill Illuminated Manuscripts  $7.50 Svartr 
SCA The New SCA Fighters Handboke (not particularly new)    
David Nicolle The Hamlyn History of Medieval Life (1000-1500)    
Brian Kunath Mastering Homebrew; The Beer Maker's Bible  $0 Maheshti 
VUW Selected Middle English Lyrics  $0 Katherina Weyssin
H Knackfuss Holbein  $0.5 Lizzi
Moss The Birth of the Middle Ages    
O H K Spate Monopolists and Freebooters  $0 Vettoria 
Montgomery Of Alamein A History of Warfare  $0 Maheshti 
Hale/Highfield/Smalley Europe in the Late Middle Ages    
E H F de Cavrines Troubles Des Pays-Bas; Au XVI Siecle (in French)    
Cockatrice 5 issues from around 1999  $0 Vettoria 
Tournaments Illuminated About 6 inches worth  $6 Vettoria
Complete Anachronist 3 copies $0  Vettoria 
Bookcases Photos available here  $10 William and Catalina